About us

We are a team that wants to change the world and create new approaches in climate change, emergency medical rescue and global defense!
We were officially registered as a Non Profit association on 23 March 2023 in the Commercial Register of Estonia. Thus, our mission has officially begun with this date.
It’s time to make the world a better place!
Main Activity
Enviromental Protection
The most important task is the protection of the environment and the preservation of animal and plant species on our planet. We can only achieve this together and so the RBTF NGO has set itself the goal of making this one of its main activities!
Medical Rescue
Providing emergency medical care in crisis areas is often not possible, but together we can change that. With the RBTF NGO we want to establish a global crisis unit, which is equipped with the best material from simple paramedics to emergency doctors to be able to interact and act globally.
Global Defense
The global defense by our military is essential but it is not enough to protect our fellow human beings. For this we need a global defense solution that also includes our civilian fellow. To address this question of how we can implement this, the RBTF NGO has set the third main activity on the topic of Global Denfense.