What is the emgprd.org Discord Server?
the emgprd.org Discord Server is a solution to get in touch with the emgprd.org community directly and for free.
How can I become a part of the emgprd.org Discord Server?
It’s easy, just use the following link:
Are there special groups that I can’t join?
Yes there are, there are groups reserved only for members who have applied to be volunteers and of course groups for volunteers who are already permanent members of the team.
Are there rules in the emgrpd.org Discord server?
Yes, these are:
- have respect
- nobody is laughed at
- no opinion is maligned
- no violence
- no discrimination
- do not spread fake news
- no illegal activities
- no misuse for own purposes
Anyone violating these rules will be immediately banned from the emgprd.org Discord server.